Rating System

 One Moon: Is a book that the twin does not recommend as a read. The twin had to force themselves to read just so that they could complete the review. Sorry, but true.
  Two Moons:The twin read the book but would not really recommend this book to someone as an "ooohhh you have to read this book I just read" or a " I read a good book the other day." It is just another book read by the twin but not really enjoyed. May leave the twin with questions or feeling like the book just didn't flow.
 Three Moons: Is a book the twin would say "it's okay." The book is nothing special but it is not a bad read. A book that maybe a good read for some but the twin has a neutral opinion not liking or disliking. A book that is just an average read with no major memorability. Although it is a book that is recommended to most.
 Four Moons: Is a book the twin would recommend to readers of the genre. It will come with praise such as, "you should read this book if you're looking for a good read." A book with four moons is what the twin will call a good read.
 Five Moons: Is a book that is amazing. Comes HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Would fall into the category of "you have got to read this book!!!" A book that the twin could read again and again. A book that could not be put down and recommended to readers of all genres.