Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Author Interview: Mayra Statham

We would like to welcome Mayra Statham to the Holiday event! We are super excited to share her interview with you and let you get to know a little more about her! Enjoy.

1. What is your favorite Holiday?
Thanksgiving! I love Thanksgiving!!!

2. Of all the holiday food, what is your favorite?
The desserts!! I have a sweet tooth!!!

3. What is your favorite Fall read?
hmmm.... this is a great question... Fall read? 

5. Do you like Christmas music? 
I like it the first week it starts playing LOL after that it depends on my mood and stress level! lol

6. How early do you start to decorate for the holidays?
day after Thanksgiving is the earliest I let the Hubster decorate. He is a huge Christmas guy. He'd have the house decorated day after Halloween if I let him. LOL

7. Sexiest thing to wear this time of year...woman? man?
For a woman? umm a sweet sexy soft off the shoulder knitted sweater. Its warm and the off the shoulder makes it sexy.
For a man? Hmm... Dark pea coat scarf dark pants and boots. He takes you to a place that has agreat view and when he shivers he wraps the scarf he's wearing on you and pulls out a beanie from his pocket and puts it on you right before he kisses you.... Wait what was the question? ;)

8. What is your favorite holiday song?
Baby its cold outside

9. Have you been or are you ever inspired to write by the holidays?
Not yet.

10. What is you best holiday memory?
Hubster dressing up as Santa, with full makeup and beard for our daughter's first Christmas!

Author Page:

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